I’m fortunate to be part of team unveiling Kito (formerly Wello) at SXSW 2012, I’ve been working hard along with my team on this for last few months and it feels so good to finally show it to the world. Kito is health tracker device which is in form of a smartphone case, it talks to the phone using Bluetooth Low Energy and has its own battery which can last couple of months on a single charge.

It was a very hectic week with all of us working around the clock on setting up pre-order website and preparing for launch. I went to Delhi for a local release event before heading towards Austin. By the time I left for Austin, Kito launch was covered all major tech publications, below is list of few links which covers Kito launch

As soon as it went out in wild, me and everyone in my team were glued to our monitoring dashboards and it awesome to see stuff flying on nginx access.log :-)

Here are some pictures from the event:

Our booth

That’s me and my boss.

That’s me, show off our device :-)

Here’s our CEO’s interview with TechCrunch, walking through some features:

Update: Name updated to Kito and added few video links.